Wednesday, December 16, 2009

They Come as Quickly as They Can!

Fire Department Shows Memorial Day Colors

Once, when we were trying to get an old MG Midget back to running, my husband siphoned off its old gasoline into a big pickle jar. We then realized, that we didn't know what to do with this flammable, toxic, gallon of explosive liquid and so I went inside and called the fire dept. They were very nice, and thought about it for a few minutes and found mine, to be a pretty unusual and interesting question. But, before answering it, the Chief asked me how my husband siphoned the gasoline out of the car? I told the Chief that my husband had used a hose and his mouth because he thinks he is invincible! The Chief told me that doing that was very dangerous and that even though I reported that my husband seemed fine, the Chief thought that the paramedics should come to check my husband's breathing. As he hung up the telephone, he told me not to be alarmed because they respond to every situation with the utmost expediency. Before I could cross the kitchen, dining room and then the family room to reach the side door, I could hear the sirens! Now, we live at least 4 miles from the station. They arrived and had my husband checked out in record time. They were simply amazing in their response! Luckily, my husband was fine. The Chief ended up taking the jar of gasoline, to be on the safe side. We bought a siphoning gadget from the local car parts store and will never siphon by mouth again. But, most of all, we gained even more respect and greater appreciation for our local Fire Department, due to their actions that day. They proved that they do their very best EVERY TIME! The Spencer Fire Department is getting a new custom made Ladder Truck in 2010! With this new, wonderful addition to their fleet, The Spencer Fire Department will be even more able to serve YOU!
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